Module 3- Cost Analysis& Accounting


 About This Training                                                                                                               

The training will widely cover energy accounting and economic analysis of energy investment, particularly in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. You will learn about the financial terms for appraising energy projects and the assessment of the energy saving potentials in crosscutting technologies.

After learning about the financial and economics analysis, you will be able to correctly perform economic evaluation of energy saving potentials (IRR, pay back period and net present value) for both new and existing projects as an Engineer.

 Who Should Attend

All Engineers • Project Managers • Entreprenuers • Energy Managers • Cost Estimators • Investors • Infrastructure Engineers and Consultants

Module 1- Energy Purchasing and Accounting
Upon completion of this module, participants should be able to;  
Explain the concept of sustainable energy developmentUnderstand utility cost factors
Explain electricity bill componentsUnderstand energy rates & tariff structures
Understand demand (KW) charges, power factor penalties and demand ratchet
Execute energy unit conversions using the railroad track method
Calculate point of use costsExplain Energy Use Index (EUI) and Energy Cosr Index (ECI) for commercial buildings
Understand benchmarking criteria
Conduct benchmarking audit
Learn benchmarking comparison of energy  efficiency and water use  
Module 2- Cost and Economic Analysis of Energy Projects                     
Upon completion of this module, participants should be able to;
•       Identify profitable energy saving measures
•       Understand Engineering Economy
•       Assess the energy saving potentials in crosscutting technologies (and several process technologies)
•       Perform economic evaluation of energy saving potentials (IRR, pay back period and net present value)
•       Learn other benefits of economic analysis and project evaluation
•       How to use profitability as an investment criteria
•       Understand financial equations and time value of money
•       Understand financial terms for appraising energy projects including Minimum acceptable rate of return (MARR)
•       Sketch and interpret Cash flow diagrams
•       Read and interpret Interest Formulas and Tables

Module 3 – Excel Application of Cost and Economic Analysis of Renewable Energy and Energy Eeficiency Projects                              

Date and Venue

Training  Dates: 3rd – 5th June, 2021

Venue: Zoom

Time: 3pm – 6pm daily


Twenty five thousand (₦25, 000.00) Naira only per participant

Payment and Registration
Name: Wasser & Bau
Account No: 0006365809
Bank: Stanbic IBTC Bank


Further Inquiries: send SMS to 08140439427 or email